Pruning Olive Trees is easier than you might think. An olive tree can live quite happily with little pruning. A trim when needed, especially for the Lollipop or Pom Pom olive trees will keep them in good shape. To maintain tip-top health or if growing an olive tree for fruit, however, pruning will be required.
New developments, as many of you have probably seen we are currently undergoing some exciting building work to improve the indoor retail areas of the Olive Grove Oundle. To ensure we can provide our customers with the best experience we are… Having a brand new entrance into our garden centre,
Dear Customer, This letter is to inform you that of 1st July 2016 we will no longer be the owners of The Olive Grove Over the last 7 years, most of you will have heard both of us say that it was our intention to build a Home and Garden business that was not a […]