Bonsai Olive Tree Care: Cultivating Elegance in Miniature
A bonsai olive tree is known for its strong, gnarled, and twisted stems, which require specific care and attention. While there is a crossover with normal olive trees when it comes to care and maintenance, some aspects differ slightly for this variety.
When you know how, bonsai olive trees are easy to care for and can even be propagated from seeds and cuttings.
Find out everything you need to know to keep your bonsai olive tree thriving right here.
Best Soil Composition
Well-drained, structurally stable, calcareous soil is your best bet for a bonsai olive tree.
How Often Should You Water a Bonsai Olive Tree?
If the soil is dry, you can top it up with water. As with regular olive trees, you should avoid overwatering at all costs. The soil should never be waterlogged. These are Mediterranean plants at their core, and so they respond well to plenty of sunshine and a small helping of water.
If you’re new to olive tree ownership, you may want more specific information. However, it really is as simple as only watering if the soil is dry. Symptoms of overwatering include a slight browning of the leaf tips.
Pruning and Shaping
Bonsai enthusiasts often appreciate the impressive trunks and natural deadwood of the olive tree, making it a popular choice for bonsai styling.
Pruning is best done in the late winter.
Younger branches and new shoots can be wired at any time.
Choosing the Right Fertiliser
If you are worried about nutrient deficiencies, the ones to watch out for include nitrogen, iron and magnesium. Symptoms may include yellowing of leaves, poor growth and leaf drop.
To address these deficiencies, it is important to use a well-balanced fertiliser specifically formulated for olive trees. For example, a fertiliser containing at least 10% nitrogen is recommended. When growing, we recommend using liquid fertiliser once a week. You can also apply solid organic fertiliser every four weeks.
Winter Care Considerations
This variety requires full sun and a cool, bright location in the winter. It is important to note that the olive tree is not completely frost-resistant, so it should be protected from stronger frost.
We recommend sheltering your tree in a cold greenhouse during the winter months. As tempting as it might be to bring your beautiful bonsai into the warmth of your home, there is a risk that it won’t get enough sunlight. That’s why a conservatory or greenhouse is the best option for wintertime.
Repotting Best Practices
Timing is everything when repotting a bonsai olive tree.
Repot in spring before the buds begin to swell, every two or three years, and remove about a third of the roots. Old trees can be repotted at longer intervals.
To improve the tree’s growth rate, use a larger, deeper pot.
Olives can withstand a lot of root work, but there is a limit to how much can be removed. When repotting, remove about a third of the roots.
Do not prune growth prior to repotting, as the tree needs all the leaf mass it can get. Repotting should be done only when the tree has made significant growth.
In Summary
We hope this article has given you the guidance you need to take the best care of your bonsai olive tree. Want to expand your collection of beautiful olive trees and Mediterranean plants? Look no further than Olive Grove in Oundle. We stock one of the largest collections in the UK, including exquisite bonsai olive trees. If you need any maintenance advice, our expert team will be more than happy to help.