
Olive Grove Oundle initially began as a Mediterranean nursery, so it was only natural for us to begin offering olive trees. Olive trees call the Mediterranean home, and they have done so for thousands of years. A key element of the region’s cuisine, the olives and olive oil they produce are in demand worldwide.

A variety of different olive trees grow in different nations across the Mediterranean basin, and we offer a number of these here at Olive Grove Oundle. All of our Mediterranean olive trees have been carefully sourced and hand-picked by our team for their quality, form, shape and price.

All of our Mediterranean olive trees are imported from nurseries in mainland Spain with the correct passports, and are tested before they’re shipped to ensure they’re free of Xylella bacteria.


Sale Price £495.00
Price Includes Delivery
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Price Includes Delivery
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Price Includes Delivery
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Types of Mediterranean Olive Trees We Sell

  • Arbequina: Self-fertile and a good pollinator for other cultivars. Starts fruiting early (four years). Relatively cold hardy. Widely adaptable.
  • Chemlali: Large, vigorous tree. Small fruit. Self-fertile.
  • Picual: Short, bushy tree with particularly gray leaves. Large fruit. Self-fertile.
  • Hojiblanca: The name ‘hojiblanca’ means ‘white leaf.’ It’s so-called because of the leaves’ silvery colour, which results in a unique sheen in the sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does delivery work?

We can deliver olive trees nationwide, and most are delivered within four to five days by a third party. Our larger trees are delivered by our own team, however - we will need to discuss access details with you before we make the delivery.

Do olive trees cope with UK winters?

Fortunately, olive trees are resilient and adaptable plants. They will struggle in extreme cold (temperatures of -15°C), but wrapping them in a horticultural fleece can usually keep them adequately warm.

How often do I need to water my olive tree?

This depends on a range of factors, including whether the tree is pot planted. For a comprehensive guide, visit our olive tree advice page.

If you have any more questions, contact us at info@olivegroveoundle.co.uk or call us on 01832 275660 for expert advice on all aspects of olive tree care.

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